Essential Oils for your Astrological Sign — Gemini
Gemini, lively, quick-witted, questioning, and talkative....this makes them great communicators! They are versatile and can adapt to any situation.....excellent at problem-solving. Being the sign of the twins, they also have a yin-yang quality.....meaning they can change their minds and moods on a whim, but can also see both sides of an argument!
Quick to lose their temper....often with a lethal tongue and prone to inconsistent moods. They have a tendency to skim over matters and are not necessarily reliable.
Health issues: Gemini, the third astrology sign, rules shoulders, lungs, arms and hands. Most prone to respiratory illnesses and strains of shoulders, neck and arms.
Essential oils: Lavender and eucalyptus can help with respiratory problems. Basil, bergamot, grapefruit are great for nurturing a quick mind! Other useful oils are jasmine, geranium, and neroli.Posted 21 May 2017