Essential Oils for your Astrological Sign — Libra
Charming, romantic, diplomatic, sociable...this is Libra, the seventh astrology sign.
Also kind and compassionate they make fantastic friends and great lovers! Always even-
Always even-handed they hate violence and confrontation and love to see justice done... harmony, peace, and balance are keywords here.
Can be perceived to be indecisive or uncommitted probably because they like to please everybody. They also like to be admired and to be the centre of attention... so may seem self-centred. Can also be very lazy!
Health issues: Libra governs the lower back, kidneys, and ovaries. Lower back pain is a common problem and they may be prone to kidney infections or stones.
Essential oils: Geranium is good for helping with kidney stones. Basil and bergamot are useful for relaxing muscle spasms in the lower back. Also, try frankincense for nurturing a sense of self-support.
Posted 17 October 2016