Fall in love with taking care of your body!

Fall in love with taking care of your body! 

The month of love has managed to sneak up on us, yet again and we embrace it wholeheartedly! Now is the perfect time to rekindle that special relationship with your body and spirit. Here at Synthesis Organics, we are finding more and more moments to let go of all toxicity and embrace the celebration of life, love, beauty, and spirit in every way. 

So here we are, inviting you to join us – let’s wake up the senses with abundant scents of rejuvenating essential oils, enliven the body with a few sun salutations and let that brightness wash over our hearts and homes. Couple all that with the yogic breath and you have a winning formula for the perfect start to the day. The best part is that it only takes 10-15 minutes to feel the biggest difference.

Bright morning ritual 

Imagine waking up gently, opening the windows, unrolling your yoga mat, and spraying the room with our auric mist. Sit still for a moment and focus all your attention on the breath and feel how the scents start to liven the body. As you gradually discover yourself finding layers of beautiful hints of sandalwood, lemon, clove, and cinnamon in the air, your mind becomes clear and the inhalations and exhalations become effortless and joyful. This simple practice will bring clarity and help focus the attention on the present moment. Follow this simple meditation with a few sun salutations to bring even more life and movement to the body and top it up with your favourite yoga poses and you are brilliantly set for a whole new day. 

Special recommendation 

Carry our Love essential oil blend with you during the day, massage your wrists and heart chakra with this blend for total immersion in intimacy and connection with yourself and the ones close to you. Let that scent be the reminder of kindness to yourself and may it guide you to finding love in each and every one.      

Posted 06 February 2017


Energy Imbued
Australian Certified Organic
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Synthesis Organics
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Copyright © 2020 · Synthesis Organics

Synthesis Organics acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we conduct our business, the Arakwal,Widjabal and Minjungbal people of the Bundjalung Nation.
We extend respect to all the Aboriginal people of this beautiful country we call home, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work,
seeking to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to foster a world where Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically.