There are many different air purifiers on the market, but you won’t find anything more natural or pure than the humble house plant!
Toxins can be invisible and hiding in many different parts of the home, and can be incredibly difficult to get rid of. There are three main culprits, which are benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Stagnant indoor environments are especially detrimental, allowing the build-up and containment of pollutants. These are carcinogenic chemicals that have been linked to cancer, asthma, auto-immune diseases and allergies, among others.
Luckily for us, houseplants have proven to be extremely efficient in filtering these toxins out of your home, some even more so than their mechanical counterpart! NASA has conducted research into the capabilities of the plants as part of their space program into “nature’s life support system”. And it’s not just what you’re thinking – while the plants themselves absorb the air particulates with carbon dioxide, the microorganisms associated with the plants that live in the soil also play a significant part in cleaning up your air. They have recommended one 10 – 12 inch pot per 100 metres for maximum efficiency.
But not only will these plants purify your air and clean your home of chemicals, they will also give you the feel good factor just by being present! Plants have been shown to lower stress, increase positivity, reduce mental fatigue and will also help you stay alert. These are our top 7 picks for the hardiest and most hard-working plants to fill your home with:
These gorgeous plants not only come in with a wide variety of colourful blooms, but are also incredibly efficient at clearing out toxins! It will remove ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene from your home, and can also be planted outside.

Aloe Vera
It is hard to find a better indoor addition to your home than aloe vera! Easy to grow, the juices in the leaves contain vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes that have wonderful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (perfect for cuts and burns) when applied to the skin. It will also clean out formaldehyde, and is incredibly easy to multiple through cuttings.

Ficus/Weeping Fig
Another low maintenance easy grower, while this plant technically a tree, if it is grown indoors it will only reach between 2 - 10 feet. It loves bright, indirect sunlight and for its soil to dry out between waterings. It will clean out any benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene, and can spend the summer outdoors if need be!

Peace Lily
Relatively small and compact, these plants are versatile enough to fit into any sized space! They prefer low light and have a high transpiration rate so will also dehumidify your air, as well as being one of the best at removing formaldehyde. Bring a touch of summer and light to your home all year round with the succulent white blooms that are as useful as they are beautiful!

Snake Plant
Perfect to brighten up your bathroom, Snake plants love low light and steamy, humid conditions. They are incredibly difficult to kill, and only require occasional watering. Removing benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene, it is a great hardy addition to your home!

Spider Plants
These houseplants are perfect for the beginner gardener or time-poor enthusiast, as they are incredibly easy to grow! They prefer bright, indirect sunlight and will remove formaldehyde, benzene and xylene from your air. They will also multiple like rabbits if given the chance - plant cuttings in small pots to grow your own collection!

There are over 40 varieties of Dracaena, so its easy to find the perfect fit for your home or office! Certain varieties can come with multi-coloured leaves, so can be a striking addition to a room. It will filter out formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene and trichloroethylene, and prefers damp soil and a low light spot.

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Calm Blend or shop our Essential Oils to create your own unique synergy.