Synthesis Sensory Bliss and Corporate Workshops

synthesis-corporate de-stress team building day sydney

Our evening and full day corporate workshops are beginning to take on a life of their own following the success of the Synthesis workshops held at the Shambala Healing Space in  Sydney's beautiful Lane Cove, hosted by Maree Thomas and Theme Rains.

The aim of our workshops has always been clear; to provide a gathering of restoration, creativity and nurture, sharing practical education and wellness tips, all the while immersing in our luxury Certified Organic skincare, superfood health products and essential oils. With amazing feedback from participating clients, we recently followed up on interest from corporate managers who wanted to share some of the benefits of our workshops to enhance their employee's work-life balance and wellbeing. Thus our first corporate workshop was held in Sydney last month for the team of the new Lifehouse hospital in Sydney. In order to continue to achieve one of our missions to bring this level of wellbeing awareness to the world, Synthesis and Maree Thomas will continue to offer corporate workshops and bespoke wellbeing solutions in conjunction with our private workshops. If you have any wellbeing needs that you would like to talk to us about, contact us via our contact page by clicking here.

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Posted 15 November 2013


Energy Imbued
Australian Certified Organic
Certified Vegan
Certified Toxic Free
Cruelty Free
Made Safe
Made in Australia
Synthesis Organics
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Copyright © 2020 · Synthesis Organics

Synthesis Organics acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we conduct our business, the Arakwal,Widjabal and Minjungbal people of the Bundjalung Nation.
We extend respect to all the Aboriginal people of this beautiful country we call home, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work,
seeking to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to foster a world where Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically.