Synthesis Soothe for Mother's Day
With Mother's Day just around the corner, Synthesis Organics is celebrating motherhood. How special, that once a year, we set aside a day to worship the powerful women that are mothers. (This Sunday, put it in your diary!) Whether you are one, have one, lost one, or are an adopted one to someone special - Sunday the 8th of May is your day to show some love. In her book of short stories entitled Birds of a Lesser Paradise: Stories, Megan Mayhew Bergman describes the rare, exquisite, and dogged love of a mother for her child:
“Mothers, I believe, intoxicate us. We idolize them and take them for granted. We hate them and blame them and exalt them more thoroughly than anyone else in our lives. We sift through the evidence of their love, reassure ourselves of their affection and its biological genesis. We can steal and lie and leave and they will love us.”Motherhood is a tiring role, to say the least! At the core of the Synthesis brand is a passion for crafting special moments in your day. The blend of our essential oils encourage deep breathing, meditation, a moment of quiet and calm to worship yourself and your wellbeing. Could it be any more perfect for mums?

SIMPLY USE THE CODE 'SOOTHE25' AT THE CHECKOUT TO RECEIVE 25% OFF ANY SYNTHESIS SOOTHE PRODUCT BEFORE MOTHER'S DAY THIS SUNDAY!In addition, with the help of friends and family, we put together a gorgeous photoshoot to celebrate Mother's Day. Founder Theme Rains invited her mum Jill, and goddaughter/niece Skye; as well as friend's - and new mums! - Felicie and Dai, with their beautiful bubs Livia and Rio. From different backgrounds and different generations, we asked our mums a few questions about skincare, mothers, and wise words.

What did your mother teach you about beauty/skincare?She taught me that if you don't take care of your skin throughout your adulthood (and your life) it will age prematurely.
What do you see in yourself, that is just like your mother?That one's mood and what you eat and do with your life is revealed in your skin.
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? Take care of yourself because no one else will.
What did your mother teach you about beauty/skincare?My mother taught me to have a holistic approach when it comes to self-care. You have to look after your skin, body, appearance as well as your spirit and emotions.
What do you see in yourself, that is just like your mother?I see my mum's warmth and compassionate heart.
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? There's no big problem that can't be solved with patience and hope.
What did your mother teach you about beauty/skincare?Being a pharmacist my mother has always had a very rational and scientific outlook on things. A recurrent advice on her behalf has been to avoid any excess. Always stay natural - your skin is the reflection of what you eat so keep a balanced nutrition.
What do you see in yourself, that is just like your mother?Believe the facts - read the composition of creams you put on your face and body as you would for things you eat to make sure they are truly organic and not just the outcome of a good marketing campaign.
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?Live a stress less life - take the time to think about what you do and things should flow naturally.