The Power of Energy - The Synthesis Difference
When we are seeking to achieve happiness, we are often told to look within or to do things which bring us joy. For many, a spa treatment, such as a facial or massage, can help to dissipate what blocks our joy. For example, helping to release stress and emotional worry, we leave our feelings in the hands of our therapist and hope that their touch will help wash away these negative feelings. – But just how important is the therapist’s touch and energy? Energy is all around us. Although we are unable to see it, we know it is real and experience it through our senses. Ever walked into a room and felt overwhelmed? Ever been in a situation where the hairs on the back of your neck stand up or your heart rate increases? Ever come across an individual who simply 'lights' up a room? This energy exists within all human beings and is often referred to as our Chi or Prana. At Synthesis, we believe the energy of a therapist plays an essential part in the experience of a client. Think about the last time you went for a treatment – how were you welcomed? What was the atmosphere like as you walked through the door – peaceful and calm or erratic and disorganized? How was your therapist – warm and inviting or tired and disinterested? As a client we unknowingly analyze the energy around us to figure out if we are going to enjoy the treatment, trust our therapist and also get our money’s worth. Synthesis recognizes the importance of the client-therapist relationship. We have placed a large focus on energy balancing and atmosphere preparation when designing our signature treatments. Unique protocols to energetically cleanse the room and balance the aura of both therapist and client, incorporates a mind-body stress reducing process and establishes an environment which cultivates positive energy and prolongs the feeling of relaxation and tranquility long after you walk out the door. Energy Disks are used at the beginning of each signature treatment to bring clients into the present moment – a ‘letting go’ many find extremely difficult to achieve with today’s busy lifestyles! These Energy disks invite relaxation and open a greater depth of participation through intention, which creates space for the natural flow of energy. When our energy is flowing freely we are operating and functioning at our peek. Without this energy flow, we can experience blockages, which develop into things such as depression, sluggishness, anxiety and stress. What we focus our attention on is what we ‘energise’, so therapists and clients are guided to become consciously aware of what we are dwelling on at the beginning of a treatment and select a positive intention to take into the practice. This supports the client to release the negative and actively aid the therapist in providing an energy balancing sensory experience to leave one feeling refreshed and renewed. The positive energy flow we promote at Synthesis starts from inside our organic lab in Northern NSW. Our ingredients are the highest quality Australian organics and are also energy imbued to infinitely enhance the light, love, beauty and spirit of each user, bringing out the radiance of not only their skin but entire body. Synthesis is more than just a product you put on your skin – it’s a holistic way of living, a conscious commitment to your personal health, and a dedication to feeling beautiful naturally, as your skin starts to glow with good health. Experience the Synthesis Difference here: Or visit one of our Synthesis Spa partners and allow yourself to be guided through a sensory journey to radiant skin and a positive mind. Michaela xx