Bioenergetic Aromatherapy

Bioenergetic is a scientific term that refers to the transformation of energy in living organisms.

Because we are inspired by the healing intelligence of plants and the truth of us as energy, the intention for our bioenergetic aromatherapy collection is to support you in releasing old energy that no longer serves you in order to make way for new energy that is revitalizing and radiant.

This is the open secret to longevity, wellbeing, and happiness. 

Formulated by a certified Aromatherapist, Psychotherapist, and Energy Healer, our custom synergies, roll-ons, and individual oils are high vibrational aromatic healing tools in service to your Truth, Beauty & Goodness.

Energy Imbued
Australian Certified Organic
Certified Vegan
Certified Toxic Free
Cruelty Free
Made Safe
Made in Australia
Synthesis Organics
Synthesis Drop
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Copyright © 2020 · Synthesis Organics

Synthesis Organics acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we conduct our business, the Arakwal,Widjabal and Minjungbal people of the Bundjalung Nation.
We extend respect to all the Aboriginal people of this beautiful country we call home, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work,
seeking to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to foster a world where Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically.